We are happy to announce that Anova is our selected charity for week four of Ironstone Impact. Anova will receive $10,000 to further their impact within London.
Anova is the product of a merger between London’s Women’s Community House and Sexual Assault Centre London, and is working towards creating a future without violence by offering safe places, shelter, support, counselling, and resources for abused women, their children, and all oppressed individuals.
“Having a safe space for anyone impacted by the gender-based violence cycle is an important asset for the community,” says Dave Stimac, President of Ironstone. “It’s vital that everyone who has been a victim of violence is offered protection and we are thankful for the services that Anova gives to make this possible.”
Anova was a selected recipient of our Ironstone Impact campaign last year, and used our donation towards shelter and support programs that help people impacted by gender-based violence find the hope and support they need. This year, the donation will continue this important work in our community.
“With Ironstone as our partner, we can continue to break down violent structures with a trauma-informed, gender-based lens that includes anyone impacted by the gender-based violence cycle including trans folx, nonbinary folx and men. And while we work to break down structural inequities, we are on the front lines of response and care. Thank you, Ironstone, for helping us answer the call and agitate for change,” says Jessie Rodger, Executive Director of Anova.
We are very excited to contribute to Anova and to support their impact they’ve been making within London, Ontario.
If you wish to donate to Anova, please click here.
To find out which charity we will donate to next week, check back next Thursday November 11th!